
十大彩票平台's 学生 Financial Services Department has adopted the following NASFAA and Massachusetts Board of Higher Education Statements of Ethical Principles, Massachusetts Board of Higher Education 行为准则 and components of the NASFAA 行为准则 to ensure the highest ethical behavior and professional practices.


春田技术社区学院的学生金融服务遵循NASFAA的道德原则声明, which provides that the primary goal of the financial aid professional is to help 学生 achieve their educational goals through financial support and resources. NASFAA members are required to exemplify the highest level of ethical behavior and demonstrate the highest level of professionalism.

We, 财务援助专业人员, 声明我们对以下道德原则声明的承诺.



  • 保持对影响学生的问题的意识,并在机构中不断倡导他们的利益, 州一级和联邦一级.
  • 支持联邦, 国家和机构努力鼓励学生, 早在小学的时候, 渴望并计划高中以后的教育.


  • 致力于最高水平的道德行为,避免利益冲突或其感知.
  • 诚实、公正地对待他人, abiding by our commitments and always acting in a manner that merits the trust and confidence others have placed in us.
  • 保护学生个人财务记录的隐私.
  • 促进思想和意见的自由表达, 培养对行业内不同观点的尊重.


  • Commit to removing financial barriers for those who want to pursue postsecondary learning and support each student admitted to our institution.
  • 免费协助学生申请助学金.
  • 提供服务和实行不歧视种族的原则, 性别, 种族, 性取向, 宗教, 残疾, 年龄, 或者经济地位.
  • Understand the need for financial education and commit to educate 学生 and families on how to responsibly man年龄 expenses and debt.


  • 遵守所有适用的联邦法律法规, 状态, 以及机构财政援助项目.
  • Actively participate in ongoing professional development and continuing education programs to ensure ample understanding of statutes, 规定, 以及管理财政援助项目的最佳做法.
  • 鼓励同事参加国家提供给他们的经济援助专业协会, 区域, 或国家层面,并根据需要向其他援助专业人员提供援助.


  • Provide our 学生 and parents with the information they need to make good decisions about attending and paying for college.
  • 尽可能通过消费者检验过的高质量信息教育学生和家庭. 这包括(但不限于)奖励通知的透明度和全面披露.
  • Ensure equity by applying all need-analysis formulas consistently across the institution's full population of student financial aid applicants.
  • 通知机构, 学生, 以及家长,任何可能影响其学生援助资格的经济援助项目的变化.


  • Ensure that student and parent private information provided to the financial aid office by financial aid applicants is protected in accordance with all 状态 and federal statutes and 规定, 包括FERPA和高等教育法, 第483(a)(3)(E) (20 U.S.C. 1090).
  • Protect the information on the FAFSA from inappropriate use by ensuring that this information is only used for the application, 奖, 以及根据高等教育法第四章授予的援助的管理, 国家援助, 或由符合条件的院校资助.


学生 Financial Services of Springfield Technical Community college also follows components of NASFAA's 行为准则 for Institutional 金融援助 Professionals.  An institutional financial aid professional is expected to always maintain exemplary standards of professional conduct in all aspects of carrying out his or her responsibilities, 具体来说,包括与以任何方式参与学生经济援助的任何实体的所有交易, 不管这些实体是否参与了政府赞助的, 补贴, 或受管制的活动. 在这样做时,本机构的成员将确保:

  1. No action will be taken by financial aid staff that is for their personal benefit or could be perceived to be a conflict of interest.
    • 经济援助办公室的员工不会向自己或其直系亲属提供援助. 工作人员将把这项任务留给机构指定的人员, 为了避免出现利益冲突.
    • 如果提供了首选贷方列表, 它将在没有偏见的情况下编制,并仅为就读该机构的学生提供利益. 有关贷款人和贷款条件的信息将是透明、完整和准确的. 选定优先贷款机构的完整过程将全面公开披露. 借款人不会被自动分配给任何特定的贷款人.
    • 借款人对贷款机构的选择不会被拒绝, 阻碍, 或者被机构不必要地拖延, 即使该贷款人不在该机构的首选贷款人名单上.
    • 没有多少现金, 礼物, or benefit in excess of a de minimis amount shall be accepted by a financial aid staff member from any financial aid applicant (or his/her family), or from any entity doing business with or seeking to do business with the institution (including service on advisory committees or boards beyond reimbursement for reasonable expenses directly associated with such service).
  2. 财政援助办公室提供的信息是准确的, 无偏见的, 并不反映出于实际或潜在的个人利益而产生的偏好.
  3. All required consumer information is displayed in a prominent location on the institutional web site(s) and in any printed materials, 容易识别和找到, 并标明为消费者信息.
  4. 财务援助专业人员将向他们的机构披露任何参与, 兴趣, 或与该机构有业务关系的任何实体存在潜在的利益冲突.




The following 行为准则 is proposed to govern the education lending practices of Massachusetts public colleges in an effort to help ensure integrity in all aspects of the student educational loan program. This policy formalizes long-standing code of conducts practiced by public institutions of higher education in their efforts to provide affordable access to higher education.


高等教育委员会认为,实践机构, 为私人贷款推荐贷款人, should be based on the cost of the loan but may also consider such factors as the ease and speed of the application process, 基金支付, 优质的客户服务, all of which must focus on the best interest and needs of 学生 and without direct regard for any financial advant年龄 to the institution.

院校必须通知学生及其家庭,他们可以选择自己选择的贷款机构, 而是为了防范掠夺性放贷者, the institutions should provide information to the student that would enable them to make a decision regarding the best possible loan option, 以最优惠的条件, 客户服务, 贷款人的诚信.



The primary goal of the institution and its financial aid staff is to help 学生 achieve their educational potential by providing appropriate financial resources. 为此目的, 这份文件提供了, 特别是经济援助专业人士, 有一套作为可接受的行为标准的共同基础的原则.


  1. 保持最高的专业水平
  2. 致力于最高水平的道德行为,避免利益冲突或其感知
  3. 尊重学生的尊严,保护学生的隐私, 并确保学生记录和个人情况的机密性
  4. 向家庭提供已经证明可以提供最佳价格组合的贷款机构的信息, 获得资金, 为学生和家庭服务
  5. 进一步, 机构应确保所有人员, 受托人, 董事, 雇员或代理人, 财务援助专业人员坚持以下几点:
  6. 不得接受礼物, 餐, 旅行, 或由学生贷款提供者提供与该机构贷款业务有关的其他重要事项
  7. 可能不接受, 从贷款机构, 钱, 设备, 或印刷服务或任何可能提供或暗示优势或授予优先地位的有价值的东西
  8. 担任贷款机构顾问委员会成员的, 不能接受任何有价值的东西来交换这项服务, 比如“收入分成”